RouteBarassie and Kilmarnock Line
SectionKilmarnock Station Jn to Barassie Jn
MapsBAK Interactive  •  Local: Kilmarnock , Barassie
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -060y to 7M 1293y  •  7.769 miles  •  12.503 km
Measured12.499 km
NeighboursAYR4 , AYR5 , GBK , GSW , HIL , ZZA4 , ZZA5 , ZZA6 , ZZA7 , ZZA8 , ZZB7
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  SC039  Kilmarnock to Barrasie
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland
Urban AreasKilmarnock

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<03 ●ScotlandEast Ayrshire
3 ●7 ●ScotlandNorth Ayrshire
7 ●7 ●●ScotlandSouth Ayrshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00KilmarnockEast AyrshireDistant
00AltonhillEast AyrshireDistant
00 ●BonnytonEast AyrshireNear → Distant
0 ●1 ●●GrangeEast AyrshireAdjacent → Remote
1 ●●1 ●●EarlstonEast AyrshireRemote
1 ●●3 ●●●GateheadEast AyrshireNear → Remote
3 ●●●5 ●●●DrybridgeNorth AyrshireNear → Remote
5 ●●●6DundonaldSouth AyrshireRemote
66 ●●CollennanSouth AyrshireRemote
6 ●●7 ●●BarassieSouth AyrshireNear → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0Kilmarnock JnGBK , GSW
7 ●●Barassie JnAYR4 , AYR5