RouteBordesley Curve
SectionTyesley South Jn to Bordesley Jn
ELR MapsInteractive , Atlas , what3words
Area MapsTyseley , Birmingham
Extent125M 1059y to 128M 0201y  •  2.512 miles  •  4.043 km
Measured4.055 km (Δ +11m)
NeighboursDCL , SKN , TSB
NR RegionNorth West & Central
Quail Map 4 — Midlands & North WestTRACKmaps Book 4 — Midlands & North West


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
125M 1059y to 128M 0201yEnglandWest Midlands


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
125M 1059y to 126M 0560yTyseleyBirmingham176m - 723m
126M 0561y to 126M 0780yGreetBirmingham721m - 729m
126M 0781y to 127M 0274ySmall HeathBirmingham91m - 715m
127M 0275y to 127M 1264ySparkbrookBirmingham215m - 548m
127M 1265y to 128M 0201ySpring ValeBirmingham135m - 537m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy11-6m9m1m1m4m
Normalised Quarter Miles11434y450y441y442y5y
Calibration Segment Length1154y647y402y440y153y