RouteBordesley Curve
SectionTyesley South Jn to Bordesley Jn
MapsBCV Interactive  •  Local: Tyseley , Birmingham
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent125M 1059y to 128M 0201y  •  2.512 miles  •  4.043 km
Measured4.055 km (+11m, relative to reported extent)
NeighboursDCL , SKN , TSB
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🟣  MD401  Heyford to Bordesley Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasBirmingham

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
125 ●●128EnglandWest Midlands


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
125 ●●126 ●TyseleyBirminghamNear → Distant
126 ●126 ●GreetBirminghamDistant
126 ●127Small HeathBirminghamAdjacent → Distant
127127 ●●SparkbrookBirminghamNear → Distant
127 ●●128Spring ValeBirminghamAdjacent → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
125 ●●●Tyseley South JnDCL , TSB
126 ●●Small Heath South JnDCL
127 ●●Bordesley South JnDCL
128Bordesley JnSKN