RouteCatford Loop
SectionBrixton Jn to Shortlands Jn
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsHerne Hill , Bermondsey , Brockley , Hither Green , Sydenham , Bromley
Extent3M 0173y to 10M 1692y  •  7.863 miles  •  12.654 km
Measured12.643 km (Δ -12m)
NeighboursATL , BTH1 , HHH , LBW , LCH , LOC , LTC , NTL , RVC , VIR
NR RegionSouthern
Quail Map 5 — Southern & TfLTRACKmaps Book 5 — Southern & TfL


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
3M 0173y to 4M 0670yEnglandLambeth
4M 0671y to 6M 1154yEnglandSouthwark
6M 1155y to 10M 0714yEnglandLewisham
10M 0715y to 10M 1692yEnglandBromley


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
3M 0173y to 3M 1638yBrixtonGreater London - Lambeth236m - 1155m
3M 1639y to 4M 1088yCamberwellGreater London - Southwark944m - 1145m
4M 1089y to 5M 1264yPeckhamGreater London - Southwark510m - 1111m
5M 1265y to 6M 0890yNunheadGreater London - Southwark893m - 1040m
6M 0891y to 7M 0780yBrockleyGreater London - Lewisham31m - 886m
7M 0781y to 7M 1198yLadywellGreater London - Lewisham579m - 723m
7M 1199y to 8M 1286yCatfordGreater London - Lewisham412m - 960m
8M 1287y to 8M 1462yBellinghamGreater London - Lewisham874m - 973m
8M 1463y to 9M 0582ySouthendGreater London - Lewisham476m - 860m
9M 0583y to 9M 0736yBellinghamGreater London - Lewisham502m - 539m
9M 0737y to 9M 1726ySouthendGreater London - Lewisham548m - 1058m
9M 1727y to 10M 0032yDownhamGreater London - Lewisham1064m - 1076m
10M 0033y to 10M 1692yBromley ParkGreater London - Bromley460m - 1083m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy33-30m17m-0m0m9m
Normalised Quarter Miles33407y479y441y440y12y
Calibration Segment Length332y440y419y440y82y