RouteChester to Birkenhead
SectionRock Ferry South Jn to former Green Lane Jn
RemarksPartially closed
MapsCCS1 Interactive  •  Local: Birkenhead , Liverpool
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent13M 0626y to 14M 1216y  •  1.335 miles  •  2.149 km
Measured2.148 km
GroupingCCS , CCS1 , CCS2
NeighboursCCS2 , CRR2 , MIR2
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🔴  NW8017  Canning Street North to Rock Ferry South Jn (Canning Street Lines)
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasBirkenhead

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
13 ●14 ●●EnglandHalton


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
13 ●13 ●●●Rock FerryWirralAdjacent → Near
13 ●●●14 ●●TranmereWirralNear → Remote
14 ●●14 ●●BirkenheadWirralDistant → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
13 ●Rock Ferry South JnCRR2