RouteCathcart North Curve
SectionCathcart North Jn to Cathcart East Jn
RemarksNote large diverging interval between tracks
MapsCNC Interactive  •  Local: Glasgow (South) , Rutherglen
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -055y to 0M 0891y  •  0.537 miles  •  0.865 km
Measured0.899 km (+34m, relative to reported extent)
NeighboursCTC , KHL
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  SC057  Cathcart East Jn to Cathcart North Jn
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland
Urban AreasGlasgow

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<00 ●●ScotlandGlasgow


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00Mount FloridaGlasgow CityNear → Distant
00 ●CathcartGlasgow CityDistant
0 ●0 ●●Kings ParkGlasgow CityNear → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0Cathcart North JnCTC
0 ●Cathcart East JnKHL