RouteDalston West Jn to Woolwich
SectionNavarino Road Jn to North Woolwich
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsHackney , Stratford
Extent0M 1055y to 3M 1710y  •  3.372 miles  •  5.427 km
Measured5.429 km (Δ +2m)
GroupingDWW1 , DWW2
NeighboursBGK , CHM , CNS , CST , DWW1 , ELL5 , GRE , LLS1 , LLS2 , LTN1 , SDC , TRL2
NR RegionEastern
Quail Map 2 — Eastern Quail Map 5 — Southern & TfLTRACKmaps Book 2 — Eastern
TRACKmaps Book 5 — Southern & TfL


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
0M 1055y to 0M 1286yEnglandIslington
0M 1287y to 3M 0648yEnglandHackney
3M 0649y to 3M 0890yEnglandTower Hamlets
3M 0891y to 3M 1710yEnglandNewham


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
0M 1055y to 1M 0318yDalstonGreater London - Hackney254m - 559m
1M 0319y to 1M 1484yHackneyGreater London - Hackney259m - 635m
1M 1485y to 2M 1000yHomertonGreater London - Hackney189m - 647m
2M 1001y to 3M 0516yHackney WickGreater London - Tower Hamlets218m - 810m
3M 0517y to 3M 1462yStratford MarshGreater London - Newham245m - 800m
3M 1463y to 3M 1710yStratfordGreater London - Newham386m - 459m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy14-4m4m0m0m2m
Normalised Quarter Miles14435y444y440y441y2y
Calibration Segment Length14265y440y424y440y48y