RouteLondon Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness
SectionSouthend Central to Shoeburyness
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsELR change FSS2-FSS3 , Shoeburyness
Extent35M 0342y to 39M 0986y  •  4.366 miles  •  7.026 km
Measured7.069 km (Δ +42m)
GroupingFSS1 , FSS2 , FSS3
NR RegionEastern
Quail Map 2 — EasternTRACKmaps Book 2 — Eastern


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
35M 0342y to 39M 0986yEnglandSouthend-on-Sea


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
35M 0342y to 35M 1220yClifftownSouthend-on-Sea266m - 668m
35M 1221y to 35M 1506ySouthend-on-SeaSouthend-on-Sea306m - 338m
35M 1507y to 36M 0802yPorters TownSouthend-on-Sea251m - 803m
36M 0803y to 37M 0604ySouthchurchSouthend-on-Sea104m - 812m
37M 0605y to 37M 1308yBournes GreenSouthend-on-Sea338m - 619m
37M 1309y to 38M 0824yThorpe BaySouthend-on-Sea256m - 921m
38M 0825y to 38M 1418yCambridge TownSouthend-on-Sea602m - 937m
38M 1419y to 39M 0538yNorth ShoeburySouthend-on-Sea256m - 593m
39M 0539y to 39M 0986yShoeburynessSouthend-on-Sea198m - 389m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy18-8m29m2m-0m9m
Normalised Quarter Miles18432y460y442y440y8y
Calibration Segment Length18106y868y427y440y153y