RouteGrantham to Skegness Line
Sectionformer Firsby East Jn to Skegness
MapsGRS4 Interactive  •  Local: ELR change GRS3-GRS4 , Skegness
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M 0379y to 9M 0466y  •  9.049 miles  •  14.564 km
Measured14.562 km
GroupingGRS1 , GRS2 , GRS3 , GRS4
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN185  Allington West Jn to Skegness
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
09 ●EnglandLincolnshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
01FirsbyLincolnshire - East LindseyAdjacent → Remote
11 ●Irby in the MarshLincolnshire - East LindseyRemote
1 ●2 ●●●Thorpe CulvertLincolnshire - East LindseyAdjacent → Remote
2 ●●●3 ●Thorpe St PeterLincolnshire - East LindseyRemote
3 ●3 ●●●Wainfleet St MaryLincolnshire - East LindseyNear → Remote
3 ●●●5 ●Wainfleet All SaintsLincolnshire - East LindseyNear → Remote
5 ●7WheelbridgeLincolnshire - East LindseyNear → Remote
77 ●●●Wainfleet CloughLincolnshire - East LindseyRemote
7 ●●●7 ●●●Bramble HillsLincolnshire - East LindseyRemote
7 ●●●8 ●●SeacroftLincolnshire - East LindseyRemote
8 ●●9 ●SkegnessLincolnshire - East LindseyAdjacent → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0former Firsby East JnGRS3