RouteKettering North Jn to Melton Mowbray
SectionKettering North Jn to Manton Jn
MapsGSM1 Interactive  •  Local: Kettering , Corby , Manton Jn
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent73M 1484y to 90M 0734y  •  16.574 miles  •  26.673 km
Measured26.651 km (-22m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingGSM1 , GSM2 , GSM3 , GSM4 , GSM5 , GSM6
NeighboursBSC , GSM2 , PMJ , SPC3
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN3601  Kettering North Jn to Manton Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasCorby

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
73 ●●●83 ●●EnglandNorthamptonshire
83 ●●90 ●EnglandRutland


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
73 ●●●73 ●●●KetteringNorthamptonshire - KetteringRemote
73 ●●●75 ●●RushtonNorthamptonshire - KetteringRemote
75 ●●76 ●NewtonNorthamptonshire - KetteringRemote
76 ●77 ●Great OakleyNorthamptonshire - CorbyRemote
77 ●78 ●●Little OakleyNorthamptonshire - KetteringRemote
78 ●●81CorbyNorthamptonshire - CorbyRemote
8181 ●RockinghamNorthamptonshire - CorbyRemote
81 ●84GrettonNorthamptonshire - CorbyNear → Remote
8484 ●Thorpe by WaterRutlandRemote
84 ●86 ●HarringworthNorthamptonshire - East NorthamptonshireNear → Remote
86 ●86 ●●●SeatonRutlandRemote
86 ●●●88 ●●GlastonRutlandDistant → Remote
88 ●●89 ●●●WingRutlandDistant → Remote
89 ●●●90 ●MantonRutlandNear → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
73 ●●●Kettering North JnSPC3
79 ●Corby North JnBSC
79 ●●CORBY
90 ●Manton JnGSM2 , PMJ