RouteGuildford North Jn to Wokingham Jn
SectionGuildford North Jn to former Ash Jn
RemarksELR presented extending to Guildford station in NR records
MapsGTW1 Interactive  •  Local: Guildford , Ash Vale
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent30M 0012y to 35M 1108y  •  5.623 miles  •  9.049 km
Measured9.027 km (-22m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingGTW1 , GTW2
NeighboursGTW2 , NGL , WPH1
NR Region🟩  Southern
LOR⚪  SW265  Guildford to Wokingham
TRACKmaps🟢  Southern & TfL
Urban AreasGuildford

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
3035 ●●EnglandSurrey


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
3030GuildfordSurrey - GuildfordDistant
3030Guildford ParkSurrey - GuildfordNear → Distant
3030 ●●GuildfordSurrey - GuildfordNear → Distant
30 ●●30 ●●●Woodbridge HillSurrey - GuildfordNear → Distant
30 ●●●31 ●WestboroughSurrey - GuildfordAdjacent → Near
31 ●32 ●Park BarnSurrey - GuildfordNear → Remote
32 ●33 ●Wood Street VillageSurrey - GuildfordDistant → Remote
33 ●33 ●Willey GreenSurrey - GuildfordRemote
33 ●35FlexfordSurrey - GuildfordAdjacent → Remote
3535 ●●WykeSurrey - GuildfordRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
30 ●●Guildford North JnWPH1
35 ●●former Ash JnGTW2