RouteKirkhill to Cathcart Line
SectionNewton Kirkhill Jn to Cathcart West Jn
MapsKHL Interactive  •  Local: Newton , Rutherglen , Glasgow (South) , Giffnock
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent95M 1096y to 100M 1673y  •  5.328 miles  •  8.574 km
Measured8.596 km (+22m, relative to reported extent)
NeighboursCNC , CTC , HMN2 , NNH , WCM2
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  SC055  Newton, Hamilton Jn to Cathcart West Jn
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland
Urban AreasGlasgow

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
95 ●●98ScotlandSouth Lanarkshire
98100 ●●●ScotlandGlasgow


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
95 ●●95 ●●NewtonSouth LanarkshireDistant
95 ●●96 ●WestburnSouth LanarkshireNear → Distant
96 ●96 ●●HalfwaySouth LanarkshireDistant
96 ●●97 ●●VicarlandSouth LanarkshireAdjacent → Distant
97 ●●97 ●●CambuslangSouth LanarkshireDistant
97 ●●97 ●●●WhitlawburnSouth LanarkshireDistant
97 ●●●98SpringhallSouth LanarkshireDistant
9898 ●●●BurnsideSouth LanarkshireAdjacent → Distant
98 ●●●99 ●●SpittalSouth LanarkshireNear → Distant
99 ●●99 ●●●CroftfootGlasgow CityNear
99 ●●●100 ●●Kings ParkGlasgow CityAdjacent → Distant
100 ●●100 ●●●CathcartGlasgow CityAdjacent → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
95 ●●●Newton, Kirkhill JnWCM2
100 ●Cathcart East JnCNC
100 ●●●Cathcart West JnCTC , NNH