RouteStirling to Dunfermline
Sectionformer Kincardine Jn to Elbowend Jn
MapsKNE1 Interactive  •  Local: ELR change SAA-KNE1 , Kincardine , Dunfermline
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -071y to 14M 0425y  •  14.282 miles  •  22.984 km
Measured23.008 km (+24m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingSAA , KNE1 , KNE2
NeighboursCRN , KNE2 , SAA , ZZG1 , ZZG2
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  SC183  Stirling to Charlestown Jn
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<02 ●ScotlandClackmannanshire
2 ●14ScotlandFife


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00 ●●●ClackmannanClackmannanshireNear → Remote
0 ●●●2 ●●●KennetClackmannanshireNear → Remote
2 ●●●6 ●KincardineFifeNear → Remote
6 ●8 ●●●CulrossFifeNear → Remote
8 ●●●9 ●Low ValleyfieldFifeAdjacent → Distant
9 ●9 ●●●High ValleyfieldFifeNear
9 ●●●9 ●●●NewmillsFifeNear
9 ●●●10 ●Low TorryFifeAdjacent → Near
10 ●10 ●NewmillsFifeNear
10 ●11 ●TorryburnFifeAdjacent → Remote
11 ●12 ●●CairneyhillFifeNear → Remote
12 ●●13CrombieFifeRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0former Kincardine JnSAA
4 ●●●Longannet West connection
6Longannet East connection
14Elbowend JnCRN , KNE2