RouteKnottingley West Jn to Shaftholme Jn
MapsKWS Interactive  •  Local: Knottingley , Shaftholme Jn
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent58M 0418y to 68M 1646y  •  10.698 miles  •  17.216 km
Measured17.214 km
NeighboursCJS , ECM1 , ECM2 , FKW , HTM , KES , WAG1
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN889  Shaftholme Jn to Heywood Jn
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
5860EnglandWest Yorkshire
6064 ●EnglandNorth Yorkshire
64 ●68 ●●●EnglandSouth Yorkshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
5858 ●●●Ferrybridge HillWakefieldNear → Distant
58 ●●●58 ●●●KnottingleyWakefieldDistant → Remote
58 ●●●59 ●●●BroomhillWakefieldDistant → Remote
59 ●●●61 ●Cridling StubbsNorth Yorkshire - SelbyNear → Remote
61 ●63 ●WomersleyNorth Yorkshire - SelbyNear → Remote
63 ●64 ●●●Walden StubbsNorth Yorkshire - SelbyAdjacent → Remote
64 ●●●65 ●NortonDoncasterRemote
65 ●66 ●●●AskernDoncasterNear → Remote
66 ●●●67 ●●●InstonevilleDoncasterRemote
67 ●●●68 ●●●Thorpe in BalneDoncasterRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
58Knottingley West JnFKW , WAG1
58 ●●●Knottingley South JnKES
67 ●●●Haywood JnHTM
68 ●●●Shaftholme JnECM1 , ECM2