RouteLifford Curve
SectionLifford East Jn to Lifford West Jn
MapsLEL Interactive  •  Local: Kings Norton
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent46M 0221y to 46M 0813y  •  0.336 miles  •  0.541 km
Measured0.545 km
NeighboursBAG1 , SKN
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🟣  MD580  Lifford East Jn to Lifford West Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasBirmingham

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
4646 ●EnglandWest Midlands


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
4646 ●LiffordBirminghamAdjacent → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
46Lifford East JnSKN
46 ●Lifford West JnBAG1