RouteLeamington Spa to Coventry
Sectionformer Milverton Jn to Coventry South Jn
MapsLSC2 Interactive  •  Google  •  Local: Leamington Spa , Coventry
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -001y to 8M 1001y  •  8.569 miles  •  13.791 km
Measured13.816 km (+25m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingLSC1 , LSC2
NeighboursLSC1 , RBS1
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🟣  MD405  Leamington Spa [North] Jn to Coventry South Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<05 ●EnglandWarwickshire
5 ●8 ●●EnglandWest Midlands


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00 ●MilvertonWarwickshire - WarwickDistant → Remote
0 ●1 ●Old MilvertonWarwickshire - WarwickAdjacent → Remote
1 ●2Hill WoottonWarwickshire - WarwickNear → Distant
22 ●●Leek WoottonWarwickshire - WarwickDistant → Remote
2 ●●3 ●St JohnsWarwickshire - WarwickDistant → Remote
3 ●3 ●●KenilworthWarwickshire - WarwickNear → Distant
3 ●●4WhitemoorWarwickshire - WarwickNear
44 ●Mill EndWarwickshire - WarwickAdjacent → Near
4 ●5CrackleyWarwickshire - WarwickAdjacent → Remote
56 ●Gibbet HillCoventryNear → Remote
6 ●7 ●Green LaneCoventryNear → Remote
7 ●8StivichallCoventryNear → Distant
88 ●CheylesmoreCoventryDistant → Remote
8 ●8 ●●CoventryCoventryRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
<0former Milverton JnLSC1
8 ●●Coventry South JnRBS1