RouteMiles Platting Station Jn to Rochdale East Jn
SectionMiles Platting Station Jn to Thorpes Bridge Jn
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsMiles Platting
Extent1M 0636y to 2M 0405y  •  0.869 miles  •  1.398 km
Measured1.400 km (Δ +1m)
GroupingMPR1 , MPR2 , MPR3
NeighboursBPP , MPR2 , MVL1 , MVM , MVN1 , MVN2 , ORG
NR RegionNorth West & Central
Quail Map 4 — Midlands & North WestTRACKmaps Book 4 — Midlands & North West


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
1M 0636y to 2M 0405yEnglandManchester


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
1M 0636y to 1M 0802yCollyhurstManchester558m - 688m
1M 0803y to 1M 1418yMiles PlattingManchester707m - 1149m
1M 1419y to 2M 0405yNewton HeathManchester846m - 1140m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy5-0m1m0m0m0m
Normalised Quarter Miles5439y441y440y440y1y
Calibration Segment Length575y440y306y330y153y