RouteNewcastle and Carlisle Railway
Sectionformer Blaydon Jn to Carlisle South Jn
MapsNEC2 Interactive  •  Local: ELR change NEC1-NEC2 , Haltwhistle , Carlisle
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent3M 1714y to 60M 0125y  •  56.097 miles  •  90.280 km
Measured90.320 km (+40m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingNEC1 , NEC2
NeighboursALN1 , CBC3 , CGJ7 , NEC1 , NGD , SAC , UCJ , ULR
NR Regions🟨  Eastern  •  3M 1714y to 57M 1748y
🟥  North West & Central  •  57M 1749y to 60M 0125y
LOR🟡  LN682  King Edward Bridge South Jn to Carlisle North Jn
🔴  NW9901  Gargrave to Carlisle South Jn
🔴  NW9909  Corby Gates to Petteril Bridge Jn
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern     🔴  Midlands & North West     🔵  Scotland
Urban AreasCarlisle

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
3 ●●●7EnglandTyne and Wear
742 ●EnglandNorthumberland
42 ●60EnglandCumbria


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
3 ●●●4 ●●BlaydonGatesheadNear → Remote
4 ●●5StellaGatesheadNear → Remote
55 ●●HedgefieldGatesheadNear → Distant
5 ●●5 ●●●CrookhillGatesheadDistant → Remote
5 ●●●6 ●●●RytonGatesheadDistant → Remote
6 ●●●8Clara ValeGatesheadAdjacent → Remote
89 ●WylamNorthumberlandNear → Remote
9 ●9 ●●West WylamNorthumberlandRemote
9 ●●9 ●●●PrudhoeNorthumberlandRemote
9 ●●●11Low PrudhoeNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
1112EltringhamNorthumberlandNear → Remote
1212 ●West MickleyNorthumberlandRemote
12 ●12 ●●Branch EndNorthumberlandRemote
12 ●●13 ●●StocksfieldNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
13 ●●14BywellNorthumberlandRemote
1414 ●●BroomleyNorthumberlandRemote
14 ●●15 ●●●Riding MillNorthumberlandNear → Remote
15 ●●●16 ●●●Riding LeaNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
16 ●●●17 ●●●CorbridgeNorthumberlandRemote
17 ●●●19 ●●DilstonNorthumberlandNear → Remote
19 ●●19 ●●AnickNorthumberlandRemote
19 ●●20 ●●Bridge EndNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
20 ●●21 ●●●HexhamNorthumberlandNear → Remote
21 ●●●22AcombNorthumberlandRemote
2223 ●●Bridge EndNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
23 ●●24High WardenNorthumberlandRemote
2425 ●FourstonesNorthumberlandNear → Remote
25 ●26 ●●●NewbroughNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
26 ●●●27ElringtonNorthumberlandRemote
2729 ●●●Haydon BridgeNorthumberlandNear → Remote
29 ●●●31 ●●RidleyNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
31 ●●31 ●●●BeltinghamNorthumberlandDistant
31 ●●●32Scrogg WoodNorthumberlandNear → Distant
3232 ●●Bardon MillNorthumberlandAdjacent → Near
32 ●●33RedburnNorthumberlandAdjacent → Near
3334HenshawNorthumberlandNear → Remote
3435 ●●●MelkridgeNorthumberlandNear → Remote
35 ●●●36 ●PlenmellerNorthumberlandRemote
36 ●38HaltwhistleNorthumberlandNear → Remote
3838 ●●●Park VillageNorthumberlandRemote
38 ●●●40 ●●●GreenheadNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
40 ●●●41 ●●●LongbyreNorthumberlandNear → Remote
41 ●●●43GilslandCumbria - CarlisleDistant → Remote
4344 ●Upper DentonCumbria - CarlisleAdjacent → Remote
44 ●45 ●●ChapelburnCumbria - CarlisleNear → Remote
45 ●●47 ●●Low RowCumbria - CarlisleAdjacent → Remote
47 ●●49 ●●MiltonCumbria - CarlisleAdjacent → Remote
49 ●●50 ●FarlamCumbria - CarlisleRemote
50 ●51TalkinCumbria - CarlisleRemote
5151 ●●●GreenwellCumbria - CarlisleRemote
51 ●●●52TownheadCumbria - CarlisleRemote
5253HowCumbria - CarlisleAdjacent → Remote
5353 ●●●FentonCumbria - CarlisleNear → Distant
53 ●●●54 ●Heads NookCumbria - CarlisleNear → Distant
54 ●55BroadwathCumbria - CarlisleNear → Distant
5555 ●●●Great CorbyCumbria - CarlisleNear → Distant
55 ●●●56WetheralCumbria - CarlisleNear
5656 ●●●Wetheral PlainCumbria - CarlisleNear → Remote
56 ●●●58 ●ScotbyCumbria - CarlisleAdjacent → Remote
58 ●59 ●BotcherbyCumbria - CarlisleDistant → Remote
59 ●60CarlisleCumbria - CarlisleNear → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
3 ●●●former Blaydon JnNEC1
20 ●●●HEXHAM
59 ●Petteril Bridge JnSAC
59 ●●London Road JnNGD , ULR
59 ●●●Carlisle South JnCBC3 , CGJ7