RouteNorth Electrics Line
SectionBathgate (excl.) to Drumgelloch
MapsNEM1 Interactive  •  Local: ELR change NEM1-NEM2 , Bathgate
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent11M 1246y to 25M 0361y  •  13.497 miles  •  21.722 km
Measured21.715 km
GroupingNBE , NEM1 , NEM2 , NEM3 , NEM4 , NEM5 , NEM6 , NEM7
NeighboursNBE , NEM2
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  SC123  Bathgate to Helensburgh (via Singer)
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland
Urban AreasAirdrie

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
11 ●●18ScotlandNorth Lanarkshire
1825ScotlandWest Lothian


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
11 ●●11 ●●CraigneukNorth LanarkshireNear → Distant
11 ●●12 ●●DunrobinNorth LanarkshireNear → Remote
12 ●●13 ●●●PlainsNorth LanarkshireAdjacent → Remote
13 ●●●14 ●●●CaldercruixNorth LanarkshireAdjacent → Remote
14 ●●●17 ●HillendNorth LanarkshireNear → Remote
17 ●19 ●●●BlackridgeWest LothianNear → Remote
19 ●●●21 ●WestriggWest LothianNear → Remote
21 ●21 ●BarbauchlawWest LothianRemote
21 ●21 ●ArmadaleWest LothianRemote
21 ●22 ●●●MayfieldWest LothianDistant → Remote
22 ●●●23 ●BathvilleWest LothianDistant → Remote
23 ●24StandhillWest LothianNear → Remote
2424 ●●WhitesideWest LothianAdjacent → Near
24 ●●25PaulvilleWest LothianAdjacent → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
11 ●●NEM1 / NEM2 interfaceNEM2
25NBE / NEM1 interface (Bathgate)NBE