RouteRugeley to Ryecroft Line
SectionRugeley Power Station
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsRugeley
Extent13M 1514y to 15M 0469y  •  1.406 miles  •  2.263 km
Measured2.272 km (Δ +8m)
GroupingRRN1 , RRN2 , RRN3
NR RegionNorth West & Central
Quail Map 4 — Midlands & North WestTRACKmaps Book 4 — Midlands & North West


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
13M 1514y to 15M 0469yEnglandStaffordshire


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
13M 1514y to 14M 0604yRugeleyStaffordshire - Cannock Chase615m - 1277m
14M 0605y to 14M 1638yRavenhillStaffordshire - Cannock Chase1280m - 1614m
14M 1639y to 15M 0120yRake EndStaffordshire - Lichfield1563m - 1610m
15M 0121y to 15M 0469yMavesyn RidwareStaffordshire - Lichfield1263m - 1548m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy8-0m3m1m1m1m
Normalised Quarter Miles8423y449y440y442y7y
Calibration Segment Length88y440y309y440y193y