RouteSprings Branch Jn (Wigan) to Huyton
SectionGerards Bridge Jn to Springs Branch Jn
MapsSBH3 Interactive  •  Local: St Helens , Haydock Branch Jn , Wigan
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent5M 1417y to 12M 1388y  •  6.984 miles  •  11.239 km
Measured11.230 km
GroupingSBH1 , SBH2 , SBH3
NeighboursCGJ5 , IMG , SBH2 , SRD
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🔴  NW2023  Springs Branch Jn to Huyton Jn (St Helens Lines)
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasSaint Helens

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
5 ●●●7 ●●EnglandMerseyside
7 ●●12 ●●●EnglandManchester


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
5 ●●●6 ●●HaresfinchSt. HelensNear → Distant
6 ●●7LaffakSt. HelensNear
77 ●●Carr MillSt. HelensNear → Remote
7 ●●7 ●●Stanley BankSt. HelensRemote
7 ●●8 ●PewfallSt. HelensRemote
8 ●9 ●●GarswoodSt. HelensNear → Remote
9 ●●9 ●●●North AshtonWiganDistant
9 ●●●10 ●BrynWiganNear → Distant
10 ●10 ●●●Rose HillWiganDistant → Remote
10 ●●●11 ●Land GateWiganRemote
11 ●11 ●●Bryn GatesWiganRemote
11 ●●11 ●●●BamfurlongWiganRemote
11 ●●●12 ●●●Spring ViewWiganNear → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
5 ●●●Gerards Bridge Jn GFSBH2 , SRD
10 ●BRYN
12Ince Moss JnIMG
12 ●●Springs Branch JnCGJ5