RouteSaxmundham Jn to Leiston
SectionSizewell Sidings
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsSaxmundham , Leiston
Extent91M 0871y to 96M 0408y  •  4.737 miles  •  7.623 km
Measured7.638 km (Δ +14m)
NR RegionEastern
Quail Map 2 — EasternTRACKmaps Book 2 — Eastern


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
91M 0871y to 96M 0408yEnglandSuffolk


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
91M 0871y to 91M 1154ySaxmundhamSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal681m - 909m
91M 1155y to 91M 1704yCarltonSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal917m - 1267m
91M 1705y to 92M 0340ySaxmundhamSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal1282m - 1545m
92M 0341y to 93M 0538yEast GreenSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal1397m - 2042m
93M 0539y to 94M 0538yKnodishallSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal1327m - 2029m
94M 0539y to 96M 0408yLeistonSuffolk - Suffolk Coastal209m - 1561m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy16-2m5m1m1m2m
Normalised Quarter Miles16424y446y440y441y5y
Calibration Segment Length169y1320y521y440y285y