RouteTapton Jn (Chesterfield) to Colne
SectionFreight Terminal Jn to ELR change
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsSheffield , Meadowhall , Rotherham
Extent160M 0709y to 163M 1653y  •  3.536 miles  •  5.691 km
Measured5.681 km (Δ -10m)
GroupingTJC1 , TJC2 , TJC3
NeighboursAGY , CHR , HCD , SHB , TJC1 , TJC3 , WBH
NR RegionEastern
Quail Map 2 — EasternTRACKmaps Book 2 — Eastern


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
160M 0709y to 163M 1653yEnglandSouth Yorkshire


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
160M 0709y to 161M 0340yBrightsideSheffield136m - 754m
161M 0341y to 161M 1264yWincobankSheffield604m - 743m
161M 1265y to 162M 0582yLow WincobankSheffield655m - 952m
162M 0583y to 162M 1330yRichmond ParkRotherham498m - 934m
162M 1331y to 163M 0428yJordanRotherham407m - 642m
163M 0429y to 163M 1550yHolmesRotherham283m - 628m
163M 1551y to 163M 1653yMasbroughRotherham350m - 416m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy17-3m1m-1m-1m1m
Normalised Quarter Miles17435y447y439y439y2y
Calibration Segment Length1728y440y366y440y148y