Routeformer Blackwell South Jn to Silverhill Colliery
MapsTSC Interactive  •  Google  •  Local: Blackwell , Sutton Colliery Jn
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent136M 1714y to 141M 1729y  •  5.009 miles  •  8.060 km
Measured8.013 km (-47m, relative to reported extent)
NeighboursSCB , TCC
NR Region🟨  Eastern
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
136 ●●●140 ●EnglandDerbyshire
140 ●141 ●●●EnglandNottinghamshire
141 ●●●141 ●●●EnglandDerbyshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
136 ●●●137 ●●●WesthousesDerbyshire - BolsoverAdjacent → Remote
137 ●●●138 ●BlackwellDerbyshire - BolsoverDistant → Remote
138 ●139 ●●●NewtonDerbyshire - BolsoverNear → Remote
139 ●●●140 ●CommonsideNottinghamshire - AshfieldRemote
140 ●140 ●●HuthwaiteNottinghamshire - AshfieldRemote
140 ●●141 ●●FackleyNottinghamshire - AshfieldNear → Remote
141 ●●141 ●●●TeversalNottinghamshire - AshfieldNear

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
136 ●●●former Blackwell South JnTCC