RouteChinley to Ashburys Line
Sectionformer Reddish Jn to Ashburys East Jn
ELR MapsAtlas , Interactive
Area MapsReddish , Longsight , Miles Platting
Extent42M 1700y to 46M 0771y  •  3.472 miles  •  5.588 km
Measured5.578 km (Δ -10m)
GroupingTTA1 , TTA2
NeighboursAYS , HAJ , HNS , TTA1
NR RegionNorth West & Central
Quail Map 4 — Midlands & North WestTRACKmaps Book 4 — Midlands & North West


🏢 Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
42M 1700y to 46M 0771yEnglandManchester


📍 Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
42M 1700y to 43M 0890yReddish ValeStockport282m - 782m
43M 0891y to 44M 1242yNorth ReddishStockport342m - 1215m
44M 1243y to 45M 1726yGortonManchester85m - 1203m
45M 1727y to 46M 0318yBelle VueManchester802m - 885m
46M 0319y to 46M 0771yWest GortonManchester642m - 876m


🏷️ Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy16-57m93m-1m-0m29m
Normalised Quarter Miles16388y1211y516y439y237y
Calibration Segment Length162y525y382y440y148y