RouteWakefield to Goole
Sectionformer Engine Shed Jn to Potters Grange Jn
MapsWAG2 Interactive  •  Local: Goole
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -054y to 1M 0529y  •  1.331 miles  •  2.142 km
Measured2.143 km
GroupingWAG1 , WAG2 , WAG3
NeighboursGDL , TJG2 , WAG1 , WAG3
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN882  Wakefield Kirkgate West Jn to Goole Potters Grange Jn
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<01 ●EnglandEast Riding of Yorkshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00 ●GooleEast Riding of YorkshireRemote
0 ●1Old GooleEast Riding of YorkshireRemote
11 ●Rawcliffe BridgeEast Riding of YorkshireRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0Potters Grange JnTJG2
0 ●●●former Engine Shed JnWAG1 , WAG3