RouteGlazebrook to Godley Line
SectionPartington to Woodley Jn
RemarksDisused from Skelton Jn to Partington
MapsWJP1 Interactive  •  Local: Sale , Northenden , Stockport , Reddish , Romiley
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent27M 0302y to 40M 1183y  •  13.501 miles  •  21.727 km
Measured21.597 km (-130m, relative to reported extent)   ⚠️
NeighboursCDM1 , CMP2 , EJN , GMC , NMC2 , RYH1 , RYH2 , SJD , STY , TTA1
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🔴  NW3023  Edgeley Jn No. 2 to Mickle Trafford Jn
🔴  NW3025  Skelton Jn to Partington
🔴  NW9013  Woodley Jn to Bredbury Sidings
🔴  NW9017  Hazel Grove High Level Jn to Northenden Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasSale, Stockport

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
2740 ●●EnglandManchester


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
2728 ●Sinderland GreenTraffordRemote
28 ●29 ●●●BroadheathTraffordDistant → Remote
29 ●●●31TimperleyTraffordDistant → Remote
3132 ●BaguleyManchesterAdjacent → Remote
32 ●32 ●●●WythenshaweManchesterRemote
32 ●●●33 ●●●SharstonManchesterDistant → Remote
33 ●●●34 ●●GatleyStockportDistant → Remote
34 ●●35 ●East DidsburyManchesterDistant → Remote
35 ●36 ●Cheadle HeathStockportDistant → Remote
36 ●36 ●●Heaton MerseyStockportRemote
36 ●●36 ●●EdgeleyStockportRemote
36 ●●37 ●Heaton NorrisStockportDistant → Remote
37 ●37 ●StockportStockportDistant
37 ●37 ●●●Lancashire HillStockportNear → Distant
37 ●●●38 ●●●PortwoodStockportAdjacent → Distant
38 ●●●39Lower BredburyStockportDistant
3939 ●●●Arden ParkStockportNear → Distant
39 ●●●40 ●BredburyStockportNear → Distant
40 ●40 ●●WoodleyStockportNear → Distant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
30Skelton JnSJD
33 ●●Northenden JnEJN
40 ●●Woodley JnRYH1 , RYH2