RouteLondon Crossrail - Central Section
Sectionnear Westbourne Park Jn to Stepney Green Jn
MapsXRC Interactive  •  Local: Paddington , Central London , Camden Town , Limehouse
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -009y to 7M 0942y  •  7.540 miles  •  12.135 km
Measured12.135 km
GroupingXRC , XRE , XRS
NeighboursELL1 , FTL , LTN1 , LVS , MCL , MEB1 , MLN1 , XRE , XRS
NR Regions🟧  Wales & Western  •  0M -009y to 2M 0296y
🟩  Southern  •  2M 0297y to 4M 1242y
🟨  Eastern  •  4M 1243y to 7M 0942y
LOR  XR001  Westbourne Park Jn to Pudding Mill Lane Jn
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern     🟠  Western & Wales     🟢  Southern & TfL
Urban AreasKensington and Chelsea, City of Westminster, Camden, Islington, City of London, Tower Hamlets

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
00 ●EnglandKensington and Chelsea
0 ●3 ●●EnglandWestminster
3 ●●4 ●●●EnglandCamden
4 ●●●5 ●●EnglandIslington
5 ●●5 ●●●EnglandLondon
5 ●●●6EnglandIslington
66 ●EnglandHackney
6 ●7 ●●EnglandTower Hamlets


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00Kensal TownGreater London - Kensington and ChelseaNear → Distant
00 ●●●Westbourne GreenGreater London - City of WestminsterNear → Distant
0 ●●●2PaddingtonGreater London - City of WestminsterAdjacent → Remote
22 ●●●MayfairGreater London - City of WestminsterNear → Remote
2 ●●●3 ●SohoGreater London - City of WestminsterNear → Distant
3 ●3 ●●●St GilesGreater London - CamdenAdjacent → Distant
3 ●●●4 ●●HolbornGreater London - CamdenNear → Distant
4 ●●4 ●●●ClerkenwellGreater London - IslingtonDistant
4 ●●●5St Luke’sGreater London - IslingtonDistant
55 ●●City of LondonGreater London - City and County of the City of LondonNear → Distant
5 ●●6 ●●SpitalfieldsGreater London - Tower HamletsAdjacent → Distant
6 ●●6 ●●WhitechapelGreater London - Tower HamletsDistant
6 ●●7 ●StepneyGreater London - Tower HamletsNear → Distant
7 ●7 ●●RatcliffGreater London - Tower HamletsDistant
7 ●●7 ●●Frank Whipple EstateGreater London - Tower HamletsDistant

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
0Westbourne Park JnMLN1
7 ●Stepney Green JnXRE , XRS